Sunday, August 28, 2016

It will happen to your body while holding urine too long

Urinating or dispose of liquid waste through the urethra is a natural process. Because not only through perspiration, waste water can also be urine.
Normally you would have gone straight to urinate when the desire comes. However, due to several factors you are accustomed to hold it up to become a habit.
Actually, what is the danger to the body when you stop urinating?
"Urine is produced in the kidney, and then collected into tubes known as ureters. Then go down to the bladder. When the bladder is full, the bladder will inflate like a balloon. And it activates sensors in the brain and raises the desire to urinate," light research that was launched from
"Well, when you hold urine, the bladder will close as the taps were closed. Then the signal will be sent to the sensors of the brain that tells the body to hold urine. This increases pressure on the bladder. As a result, the bladder muscle will tense the muscles -otot becoming weaker pelvic floor. No wonder, when you stop urinating and then spend it all in one shot it will cause bladder pain, and in extreme stage, stop urinating habits can lead to bladder infections. For you let germs go back into the kidneys. Due to the ill effects of this that you are forbidden to hold urine. "
"Normally, the bladder can hold 150-200 milliliters of urine. And if the urine had reached 400-500 milliliters will display a taste that was very uncomfortable. And even though the bladder may stretch, but if the urine volume above 1,000 milliliters, then the bladder might explode. "

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