Friday, July 15, 2016

Hair Caring Rebonding

Everyone is born way Rebonding Hair Caring is different, for example, there are people who were born blessed with thick hair there are also people who terlarhir with ragged hair -canping or tipis.Namun all we suykuri Maybe it mandatory for those who have beautiful thick hair is not never questioning his hair problem, because it has thick hair and beautiful is one saving grace that we need to care may well be the dream of many people. So for those of you who were born have thick hair lot many are grateful, because it does not have to bother thinking about how to thicken hair

therefore it is necessary to treat hair rebonding properly so that your hair is always healthy and always nice and straight tebal.untuk supplement the information you need to see some hair care tips below.

1. Use Special Shampoo Rebonding

For those of you who have done rebonding process, to maintain straight hair is required to care for hair rebonding for durability by using a shampoo specifically for rebonding hair or straight hair. By using a special shampoo, the hair rebonding your results will be longer lasting and more manicured with a special formula of the shampoo.

2. Use Hair Conditioner Rebonding

Hair rebonding process results tend to have dry hair drug-induced hair straightener and catokan many times that make the hair moisture is reduced. Therefore, to reduce hair damage due to rebonding with how to care for damaged hair rebonding required the use conditioner regularly. Conditioner will give your hair the moisture so the hair will always maintained their health.

3. Provide Vitamin Hair Rebonding

To prevent hair damage due to rebonding process, further treatment that you can do is to provide a hair vitamin. Hair vitamins will provide nutrients to the hair that has direbonding and also to treat the hair to prevent hair loss due to severe rebonding process. Do it regularly to get healthy hair and ternutrisi after rebonding process.

4. Avoid Hair Dyes After Rebonding

Do this as a way to treat hair after rebonding, sometimes we forget that rebonding use harsh chemicals, so anything with hair dye. By bringing together these two ingredients will only make the hair becomes damaged and stiff. You do not want not, your hair looks stiff as mixing hair dye after you do rebonding. Therefore, you should avoid hair dyes after you do rebonding process.

5. Use natural hair straightener instead of vise

Hair rebonding will tend to be more easily damaged hair pencatok tool typing exposed continuously. You can use natural herbs as a way to treat hair rebonding naturally to keep the hair remains to be straight. You can use a mixture of papaya and banana as a natural hair straightening herb that you can use to maintain your straight hair.

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