Friday, July 29, 2016

CINNAMON vs Diabetes

This is the testimony of a friend who is good. Free. So, no need to thank Clinic. Here's testimony:
"I am the offspring of parents with diabetes.

It has long been consuming "Stew or boiling Cinnamon"

Initially I drink as necessary, for the purpose of healing For me cough.

One time I read the brochure "Cinnamon Syrup" at a pharmacy, one boondoggle For dlm blood sugar levels and increase men's stamina.

Because I never drink a decoction of cinnamon before, so I drank more frequently.

And the result is very satisfactory. Last sugar test date July 29, 2014 (without fasting), the result is 93!

I never recommend to my friends who were riding (400) fasting month of 2014, he drank at dawn and when open, dlm tempo 3 days down to 155 !!

Now the family and descendants teman2 diabetes who already consume it.

The result is they feel more refreshed and feel more energetic.

If you want to try, this way:

1. Provide 3 ~ 4 cinnamon sticks dried (perbatang of the index).

2. Water is the usual 1 liter (2.5 cups can be used)

3. Cinnamon is boiled with plain water to a boil and remove red, reduce the heat, boil again a bit old to be more red water.

4. Lift and pour dlm hangat2 ​​drinking glasses. Unessential extra apa2.

5. The stew can be repeated and added to water with added cinnamon 1 stick alone.

Boiled rather strong initial odor but fragrant, tastes like fresh tea.

Consumption 2 x day (waking up and going to bed) for patients with perch.

When you are down, to retain or stabilization, just 1 cup at bedtime (night).

Mudah2an helpful for who suffer from diabetes. "

We are shared, perhaps someone was in need. Thank you..

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