Saturday, October 8, 2016

Big mistake Frequently Women Do When mencatok Hair

Most women need to be a helper tool straight hair. To look beautiful, women need a lot of things to do before it is ready to go outside the house, one of which is with mencatok hair.

Mencatok done so that the hair straight hair neatly and easily. But the activities of straightening hair with this vise tool sometimes has the risk of damaging the hair. In fact, you may often make a big mistake when mencatok hair so the hair is more fragile and brittle.

The fatal error is often done when the woman is wearing a hair straightening tool vise when wet hair.

Do not think vise tool will help dry your hair while you straighten. It might even sometimes deliberately let the hair slightly damp hair is so straight that later.

This is wrong. Straighten the hair with a hair clamp are not dry when actually accelerate damage to the hair shaft and make it fast thinning and fractures.

Carla Carter of the professional salon Headb Hair Salon said, "Even if your hair just in blow-dry or dried with a hair dryer, and instantly you mencatoknya, you will see there is smoke coming out of your hair.

It's a sign your hair is still damp, not dry and you just burn the stalks hair. This accelerates the onset of hair cracked and branched to break easily.

Indeed, it is not immediately broken hair, but 2-3 times you do the same thing in your hair like this, sure deh hair is no longer the same as before. Hair also will change color and not black as when your hair is still healthy.

So to avoid damage when mencatok hair, dry the hair until completely dry. Likewise, after prior mencatok hair. To slow down the damage to the hair, coat hair with hair vitamins or moisturizer that hair.

Let it sink in first, or let your hair to dry. Only after that, can use the tool vise. To add extra protection, cover tool vise with a heat protectant to reduce heat from the tool vise. Not all women are born with naturally straight hair and gorgeous. If you want gorgeous, with good care your hair too.

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