Friday, July 15, 2016

Benefits Coriander To Lower Cholesterol

  • Lower cholesterol. Coriander contains a number of compounds acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and ascorbic acid. These compounds are known to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and may be able to reduce cholesterol deposits in the walls of arteries and veins.
  • Overcome Anemia. Iron content in coriander can help overcome anemia
  • Aids the digestive system. The content of essential oil of coriander can help the process of secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, stimulates digestion by increasing the peristaltic movements in the digestive tract, and overcoming anorexia
  • Soothe swollen. Cineole, one of the 11 components of essential oils and linoleic acid found in coriander, has antirheumatic properties and anti-artriti. Thus, coriander can be used to treat rheumatism and swelling caused by arthritis.
  • Overcome diarrhea. Components borneol and linalool in coriander helps digestion, improve liver function and help the binding process faecal mass in the intestine. Other components such as cineol, limonene, alpha-pinene and beta-phelandrene antibacterial activity so efficacious in treating diarrhea caused by bacteria
  • Keep your menstrual cycle. Coriander naturally stimulates and helps order the secretion of hormones of the endocrine glands, making it useful in keeping the menstrual regularity and reduce pain which may arise.
  • Reduce blood sugar levels. Cumin stimulatory effect on the endocrine glands will increase the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. Thus, the modified sugar glycogen, so that high blood sugar levels could drop to normal levels
  • Protect the liver. Coriander can overcome inflammation, spasm, expectorant, protect the liver, anticarcinogenic, anticonvulsants, antihistamines and hypnotics. In addition, coriander can also act as a natural afrodisiaka when combined with other herbal plants.

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