Thursday, July 28, 2016

5 Practical Tips to Prevent Excess Body Odor When Menstruation

Body odor is obviously going to be things that annoy Ladies. Who would stand close to the person body odor? Definitely not to be convenient is not it? Hence we must always maintain the cleanliness of our bodies. Body odor is caused by many factors ranging from eating pungent foods, do not change clothes, bathe often, including menstruation.
A study conducted by the Charles University, Prague show that some men who kiss armpit a menstruating woman claimed that her scent is not smelled during a typical day. This contrasts with the fertile period Ladies. At that time, the body's natural roma women become more fragrant without having to wear perfume.

Here are some tips for overcoming excessive body odor when she was menstruating, check these out!

, Use your beloved Ladies perfume. Highly recommended to wear perfume as fresh as the scent of citrus or fruit.

, You can also drink herbal medicine. Some types of herbs are known to cope with body odor that bothered during the coming months.

, Next, keep always cleaning the body. Change clothes when you sweat Ladies. Bathing twice a day so that you feel more fresh and comfortable.

, Avoid foods that are pungent. Avoid eating onions, garlic, onions, coffee, durian and so when she was menstruating.

, Last but not least, drink plenty of water to accelerate metabolism.

Well, those are five practical tips that you can do during menstruation to prevent body odor is more pungent. Good luck ya Ladies.

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