Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How to Take Care Face Skin drying and flaking

Human nature beauty love beauty and desire. Pretty it was a godsend. However, believe it or not, it's pretty well actually a single exam. But keep in mind THAT pretty it is very subjective because it needs to Treat Dry Skin Face And Mengelupasdengan-many ways.

Whatever, the biggest test is when beauty was drawn and lost sekelip eye. Gone confidence, there spirit, and it is possible there goes largely those who are often the companion during ..TO keep all that we need to exercise care over the mountain of ways one of which will be conveyed ie How to care for drying and flaking that can be seen below this.

In conclusion, thanks to what exists because everything is not forever.
1. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables which have a content of vit. C and E. This step can help dry skin and peeling, by stimulating the growth of new skin cells. Avail vit. C can be achieved in fruit such as oranges, guava, berries, many different, and other types of green vegetables. but for vit. E can be obtained by eating nuts, eggs, and milk.

2. Not just because of poor diet regularly, dry skin and flaking can also consume a lot due to lack of water. Therefore, drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses / day

3. Create your frequent outdoor activities, good to apply sunscreen evenly on your skin. About This aims to avoid bad ultraviolet rays are too excessive, which afterwards can make the skin drier.

4. Not only that fit skin care and regular exercise also in fact holds the absolute benefits on the condition of your skin. Because physical activity can facilitate you to sweat. Because exercise can increase the activity of the sweat glands and oil glands that can make skin moisture protection.

5. Do not be lazy to protect and clean skin of the face with a facial cleanser that is safe on your skin, especially during the night before sleeping companions.

6. If you use cosmetics that cause skin irritation, stop using it because it can cause the skin to dry and peel.

7. If you have an allergy to food or beverage may be special, stay away from the trigger factor. Because food allergies are usually specifically can cause skin redness and other allergies.

8. A warm bath is indeed going to make you comfortable, but stay away as much as you can. Because the use of warm water in the bath can break down barriers pleated arrangement of the skin that causes the skin to become dry.

9. Likewise for your hobby swim. stay away from old contacts in water that has a high calorific content. high calorific content normally obtained in the pool.

10. The use of lotions after bathing can be a suitable step. use a lotion that has a content of vit. C and E, so that the skin is always moist and away from peeling

 For complete information about health you can see in all the words of love we bring to you all the information only.

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