Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Hair Caring berhijab

Hijab is worship, with hijab means Muslim women have been implementing some commands of God. Carry out orders Caring Hair was kept the same as executing commands prayer and fasting. Whoever the obligation to close the genitals as opposed hijab means mengkufuri God commands that can be categorized as an apostate from Islam rules. But if he is not revealing or hijab because simply following the situation of people who have broken the moral obligation remains confident he is viewed as a woman who disobey and violate the commandment of God has said in the Qur'an: .... and do not ornate and behave like people of ignorance first. (Qs. Al-Ahzab: 33).

Besides now in the era modernisasai fairly high and completely open air inteektual hijab or headscarf is a style trend hidup.tetapi apart from the above there is no saahnya when we know tips on how Caring Hair Veiling Muslim Women hijab Or so it is comfortable and clean so that the hair you always sehat.namun for those of you who need information on how you can see the hair care tips hair perawatam for the Muslim women's hijab dibwah.
After a day of closed, give little space to breathe your hair. Do not keep your hair tie when he got home, let your hair be tied to decompose without the pores of the scalp can also participate in breathing.

    Cleanliness Hijab and Ciput

After caring for the hair to clean and fresh, we need to pay attention to hygiene and ciputmu hijab. Make sure the hijab and ciput you use is clean, because both of them will stick to your hair all day. In addition to keep hair clean, it is also important in supporting appearance.

    Material Selection Hijab

Hijab materials you use turns giving effect to the health of your hair. Hijab with materials that are less comfortable and do not absorb perspiration will cause the scalp to become sticky. So choose hijab with cool material and easily absorb sweat.

    Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables

The nutritional requirements for healthy hair and beautiful not only supported from the outside through a variety of treatments. Consumption of fruit and vegetables regularly turned out to have a good impact on the health of the hair. Though it can not be felt immediately, it is believed will support the health of the hair in the long run.

Hopefully this can be useful for all of us hope the above tips can be used as a reference for those of you who need a way oerawatan hair properly.

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