Fish is a source of protein that is very good for health. Fish is also a rich source of omega 3 health benefits for the body. Because the nutrients are very numerous and impressive, it is advisable for us all untuk3 fish consumption in the right amount.
But it seems that not many of us who like to fish. This is because fish is one of the putrid food ingredients and, if not exactly in cleaning it, the taste of fish meat part in the bitter and scales is very disturbing. If you want to cook the fish meat but he is not fishy, and not bitter, in fact there are practical tips to clean the fresh fish. The tips are as follows.
1. Rinse fish with cold running water.
2. Clean the outside of the scales using a knife carefully. After net scales, cut fish.
3. Next, cut and remove the fish stomach contents in the stomach. Ensure create caution when eviscerate. If not careful, it can make the fish bile rupture and cause fish to become bitter.
4. Clean up is also part of the gill net. It would be nice if you discard the gills of fish.
5. Wash the fish back to the water flowing.
6. Finally, in order that the fish is not fishy, smeared with lemon juice and apply to the meat of the fish or vinegar. Let stand briefly and then wash again before being stored in the refrigerator or cooked.
Ladies, that's practical tips to clean meat fresh fish that is not fishy and bitter. When we clean the fish well, it was confirmed that the fish will be more healthy and good for the body. The tips are very practical is not it? Hopefully these tips helpful and good luck these tips. Congratulations serves healthy and delicious fish for his beloved family.
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